A motley collection of Coutus, LaForests, Boulettes, Smiths, Dingmans, Flints, Losaws and other assorted crazies.

Frog Alley News:

10/4/2000 Eeeeek...October already?! Where did August and September disappear to? Oh well, we've got a new picture of Patsy Ann and Aldege Dionne submitted by Jamie. I've also got new pictures of Nicole and Austin Joyce but I've just got to ask Deb which pictures she'd like posted.

7/31/2000: Coutu Reunion 2000 initial report: Despite the rain, we had a nice turnout at the reunion and good food, good company and good fun was had by all who attended. More to come, including some pictures...right now I'm just gonna put my feet up and rest!

7/21/2000:    Happy Anniversary FrogAlley!! Just realized that this past Wednesday was the 2nd anniversary of FrogAlley's existence. Seems like just yesterday we were getting things set up.

6/30/2000:   Bad Webmistress, Bad Webmistress:  Okay, I've been terribly remiss in updating the site. *hangs head in shame* I promise to try to do better.

Notable news: Coutu Reunion 2000!! Yes, plans have been made for the annual reunion to be held at Aunt Joan and Uncle Dave's house on Sunday, July 30th. If you haven't yet received your invitation to this gala event, please contact them. Those of you who have gotten your invites and haven't returned your reply form, get cracking and send it! *g* Beautiful weather has been ordered and the usual fun and frolics will be had, as well as a few surprises.

Scheduled Family Chats: Well, we didn't have too good of a showing for the poll on when people would be available for a weekly family chat.(9 people taking the poll and two replying via E-mail out of over 20 people). Saturdays and Sundays tied for the most likely day, but the preferred times were all over the board with no clear choice. Guess we will just have to keep dropping in whenever we're online and hope that we bump into one another in chat.

Pictures, Pictures!:I have been adding a few older pictures scanned by Mom in the Coutu section and updating various pictures in other family sections as well, so poke around and see what's new!

2/16/2000:   Pictures, Pictures, Pictures: Just got a couple of pictures from Russ Boulette Jr. and have also been adding a few older pictures scanned by Mom in the Coutu section as well, so poke around and see what's new!

As always, we're only too happy to accept new pictures for the site, either in pre-scanned format or photos to be scanned by us and mailed back to their owner.

1999 News Archive

1998 News Archive

These pages are Copyright © 1998-2012 Matthew & Linda Soffen. The image of Michigan J Frog is © Warner Bros. and is used without permission. These pages are for personal amusement and no profit is derived from them.