A motley collection of Coutus, LaForests, Boulettes, Smiths, Dingmans, Flints, Losaws and other assorted crazies.

Monadnock Memories - The Climb Begins

Starting the Hike As our intrepid hikers begin their ascent of the mountain, they pause to look down at from where they came
Rouch Climbing Uh-oh..looks like a bit of rough climbing ahead!!
Trekking through the woods As they headed through the woods, the children left trails of bread crumbs to lead them home, unbeknownst that the birds would eat them....Oops! Wrong story!
Find out what happens next, click here!
These pages are Copyright © 1998-2012 Matthew & Linda Soffen. The image of Michigan J Frog is © Warner Bros. and is used without permission. These pages are for personal amusement and no profit is derived from them.